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Ailments/ Conditions Treated


Arthritis is defined as acute or chronic joint inflammation that often coexists with pain and structural damage.   It describes a series of symptoms that involve discomfort, stiffness, and joint deformities following an inflammatory procedure.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is an entrapment neuropathy caused by the displacement of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel of the hand. The carpal tunnel consists of the median nerve and nine flexor tendons.


Chronic Pain Syndrome:

Often pain progresses into a poorly defined disorder known as chronic pain syndrome. It is characterized by pain that lasts more than six months and is often accompanied by frustration and depression, anxiety, and impairment.


Dizziness and Imbalance:

Dizziness can be described as a feeling of spinning around and losing control resulting in imbalance. Symptoms can vary considerably in patients with neck pain and can include light-headedness, restlessness, nausea and blurred vision.



Vertigo is the sensation of being or falling off balance. It might give you a feeling of dizziness. One might feel nauseated. This condition may occur if the inner ear labyrinth is inflamed by an infection.


Frozen Shoulder:

Frozen shoulder is a condition characterized by rigid and painful shoulder, often referred to as adhesive capsulitis. Signs and symptoms typically start slowly, intensify over time, and generally resolve within 1-3 years.


Golfer’s Elbow:

Golfer is a condition, which causes pain in your elbow's inner side, where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on your elbow’s interior. The pain can spread to your wrist and forearm.



The headache starts as occasional episodes and goes on almost continuously. Pain can be caused or intensified by movement of the neck, or through other parts of the body.  The pain may be an unpleasant, sharp, pulsating, continuous, gentle, or extreme discomfort


Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries:

During an accident in a motor vehicle (MVA), some injuries are noticeable, such as broken limbs. Other wounds, including trauma to the soft tissue or whiplash, are less noticeable, with effects occurring several days after the crash. Road accidents can lead to chronic pain for a lifetime unless they are treated immediately after a car crash.


Neck Pain:

A sudden force can also cause most often neck pain is caused by muscle strain or tissue sprain, but it. Such kind of neck aches improves sometimes over time and without surgery, such as physiotherapy.  Cervical degenerative conditions, cervical herniated disks, cervical stenosis, and cervical arthritis all can lead to pain in the back, restrict mobility and reduce overall operating functions.


Post-Surgery Conditions:

Often after surgery, there are several side effects. Some of the most common is pain. There may also be some swelling and soreness around the region the surgeon cut. The surgeon will warn you of any other possible side affects you may expect.

The impaired movement, fatigue and skin adhesion close to the wound are also common problems following surgery.


Repetitive Strain:

Repeating strain (RSI) injuries are a family of tendon, tendon sheath, muscles, nerves, and joints. They most often cause chronic or repetitive discomfort in your back, shoulders, forearms, knees, wrist, elbows and lower limbs.


Rotator Cuff Injury:

The rotator cuff consists of a group of muscles and tendons that keeps the head of the upper arm in the shallow socket of the shoulder. A rotator cuff injury may cause a dull shoulder discomfort that often gets worse when you try to sleep on that side.


Running Injuries:

Running is associated with the highest prevalence of overuse injuries among all the aerobic exercises, most of these occur in the lower limb.

Cumulative stress induced by forces in the body by intrinsic means (biomechanical, age, etc.) as well as by external causes (training quantities, diet, training style etc.) leads to running injuries.


Sciatica refers to the pain that radiates from the lower back across the hips and flesh and back of each leg along the direction of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica most commonly occurs when a herniated disk or bone spur on the spine compresses part of the nerve. This causes inflammation, pain, and often some numbness of the affected leg.


Sports Injuries:

Sport injuries are injuries that occur during sporting events or during exercise. They can occur because of an aggressive trauma, or because of overuse of a certain part of the body. Additional causes of these injuries include improper training, inadequate facilities, and poor physical health before beginning vigorous training / sports, or an ineffective warm-up / stretching routine. 


Sprains and Strains:

A muscle and/or tendon injury is a strain. Tendons are fibrous tissue cords that connect bone muscles. The injury takes place when the musculoskeletal fibres are over-stretched. A strain is also called muscle pulling. Chronic strains are the consequence of excessive muscle and tendon use (long, repetitive movement). There are inadequate rest breaks during vigorous workouts.



Tendons are thick, flexible, fibrous tissue bands that bind muscles to bones. The condition is called tendonitis when the tendons are inflamed, irritated or microscopic, tearing. Soft, tender, tiny band like heavy cords in your hands, or large cords like calf’s, anchoring the calf's muscles, or thighs. The damage is typically caused by overuse or overload in most situations.


Tennis Elbow:

"Tennis elbow" is a generic phrase for lateral epicondylitis in the medical term. The condition is caused by the excessive use of the muscles of your arm, forearm and hand, which causes pain outside the elbow. Tennis elbow is particularly concerned with the region in which muscles and tendons of the forearm connect to the outside bony region of the elbow.

Tennis elbow may cause the most pain when you:

TMJ Dysfunction (Jaw):

The dysfunction of the TMJ can cause jaw pain, movement of the mouth can also be impaired, leading to headaches and ears ringing and neck pain. It is one of the smallest joints in the body, but can be one of the worst, since we also have to eat and talk all day long.


Lower Back pain:

The lower back is an intricate structure of interconnected and overlapping elements:

Dis-functioning, discomfort or complications of any of these elements can cause lower back pain and/or pain that radiates or is referred to other parts of the body. There can be extreme pain caused by subsequent lower spasms in the back and recurrent pain caused by certain conditions.


Pelvic Floor Conditions:

There are various types of pelvic floor dysfunction. Some of the commonly treated pelvic floor conditions for both men and women include:


Paediatric Conditions:

Children under the age of 16 years with a number of musculoskeletal and neural disorders are treated with paediatric physiotherapy.



Whiplash is an injury to the neck due to various strong, rapid back-and-forth neck movements. The sudden intensity stretches out and causes the muscles and tendons to tear in the neck. Whiplash symptoms will sometimes take several days before they become evident. Common symptoms include pain, reduced movement of the neck, touch sensitivity, headaches.


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